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Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms

Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms

Price: 13,174
steam Platform
90 Superb Based on 2
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Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms comes in two parts. The first one, Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms Book I: Devourer of Souls, is available right now. The second one, Book II: Age of Demons, is coming as a free update, expected in February 2015. In Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms, you are caught up in a conflict between powerful mages who seek to exploit the power vacuum created by the defeat of a succession of cruel empires. You will play a demon that can devour the souls of the dead – and embody them as Puppets. But are you truly the master of these fallen heroes – or are you merely the servant of darker forces? Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms is sequel to critically highly acclaimed Kult: Heretic Kingdoms. Bringing you back to the world of Heretic Kingdoms. Fully voiced isometric RPG with deep story, mutliple characters, breathtaking visuals and unique features brings fresh wind into RPG games...
Game modes: Single player

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